Welcome to the Guthrie

Just announced

The place to be

Our 2025–2026 Season will thrill and delight you: Love will bloom and get complicated. Glass ceilings, stereotypes and illusions will shatter. Plots will thicken. Both dreams and revenge will be realized. Ordinary characters will teach us extraordinary things, make us laugh and help us find our way in the world. The Guthrie is the place to be, and we can’t wait to welcome you. 

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Now playing

The Mousetrap

directed by TRACY BRIGDEN 
March 15May 18
McGuire Proscenium Stage 

When the phone lines are cut at Monkswell Manor and a guest turns up dead, everyone becomes a suspect. Will the killer be discovered in time? Discover for yourself why this Agatha Christie classic is the longest-running play in the world.

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Coming soon

The Nacirema Society

April 19 May 25

Wurtele Thrust Stage

Grande dames Grace Dunbar and Catherine Green prepare for the Nacirema Society’s 1964 centennial cotillion — the event of the season in Montgomery, Alabama. The elegant African American debutantes include Grace’s granddaughter Gracie, escorted by Catherine’s grandson Bobby, and the two grandmothers hope the young couple will soon be engaged. But Gracie and Bobby have other ideas. As the young ladies prepare for their debuts, a blackmail scheme brews behind the scenes and subterfuges unfold, all under the nose of a skeptical reporter covering the ballFeaturing clever storytelling and scandalous plots, this lighthearted comedy winds its way to an ending as charming as its characters.


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Tickets on sale now

Guthrie Artistic Director Joseph Haj and Best Buy CEO and Honorary Chair Corie Barry invite you to Fanfare for the Guthrie — our annual fundraising gala on Friday, May 30 at The Depot Minneapolis. Join us for an evening studded with special guests, delightful surprises and singular opportunities to support the Guthrie. Hosted tables and individual tickets are available — we hope you’ll join us!

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2025–2026 Season

The place to be

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